
Does your Mercedes-Benz have an open recall?

Fill-out and submit this form to know more

Please take a few minutes to provide us with your contact details. This form will help us keep in touch with you in the near future.

By continuing to fill out this form, you agree to grant consent for the data you will enter to be processed and used by IC Star Automotive Inc., the responsible distribution company and its partner dealers within the Mercedes-Benz sales organization for the purpose of advising and informing you about products, services, events, and news about the brand via landline, mobile and/or email.

First Name*

Last Name*

Email Address*

Contact Number*

Street Address Line 1*

Street Address Line 2*



Postal/Zip code*

Vehicle Identification No. (VIN)*

Plate Number*

Which dealership did you purchase your vehicle?*

What year did you purchase your vehicle?*

Which dealership would you prefer to be in touch with?*

Please verify that you are not a robot.

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